"David desJardins" <desj@math.berkeley.edu> wrote in message
: How many copies of Korsun Pocket do you think have been sold? And how
: many of Age of Mythology, or Rise of Nations? Seriously. What does
: that tell you about the "market"?
A more apt comparison might be between Panzer General -- a turn-based
strategy game which sold quite well due to its simplicity, elegance, and
depth -- and any of the myriad of second- and third-tier RTS games that just
limp along. If there's one thing that the market is not crying out for,
it's just another RTS game.
If we presume that the Axis and Allies brand is valuable, its value comes
from the large number of people who like the game. Which is a turn-based
strategy game. Approaching this segment of the gaming market with a game
that's fundamentally different from what you already know they like puts me
in mind of what Peter Marshall used to say: "I would have gone with Charley
Weaver for the win, but this may work out."
Bob Rossney
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