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NNTP-Posting-Date: Tue, 13 Feb 2007 04:01:07 UTC
Date: Tue, 13 Feb 2007 04:01:07 GMT
Proposed NY Law Will Fine Gamers on the Street
Playing with a handheld game console while you are walking the streets
of New York may incur a fine of $100, if legislation submitted by New
York State Senator Carl Kruger passes.
The bill comes in response to the recent problem of pedestrians stepping
into traffic while engrossed with playing their video games, cell
phones, or iPods. Three pedestrians have been killed since last
September after inadvertently walking into traffic while using
electronic gadgets.
Kruger expressed his dismay at the problem of what he sees as very
dangerous distractions. "Government has an obligation to protect its
citizenry. This electronic gadgetry is reaching the point where it's
becoming not only endemic but it's creating an atmosphere where we have
a major public safety crisis at hand."
The Senator may have stepped on a few pedestrian toes as some see the
legislation as a breach of individual freedom. Kruger defended himself
by stating, "I'm not trying to intrude on that. But what's happening is
when they're tuning into their iPod or Blackberry or cell phone or video
game, they're walking into speeding buses and moving automobiles. It's
becoming a nationwide problem."
Whether these accidents have turned into a nationwide "major public
safety crisis" is questionable, at best, as Kruger offers no solid
evidence or case studies to support his claims. But the legislation is
one of many proposed by politicians who target video games as the
culprit of society's woes. If anything, using video games as a platform
to garner the attention of their respective constituencies gives these
political professionals the public's ear and news coverage--if not a few
votes along the way, as well.