On Mon, 08 Aug 2005 15:43:55 GMT, Coaster <nmail@all.com.invalid> wrote:
>Thanks for all your posts. Without exception, they are excellent.
>Recently however I have been unable to get any of the videos that you've posted.
>While the completion rate at my ISP is pretty good, it does however filter on
>message size by filtering out posts based on the number of lines per message.
>Since I used to get all you posts without problems, I'm wondering if you
>recently made changes to the "lines per message" option in your posting
>program. If so, would it be possible for you to reduce that option to a value
>such as 5,000 lines per message . That would enable me to again see your videos
>(as well as some of the larger pics that you may post).
Thanks for making the change to the lines per message. I can get the videos once
again. Excellent stuff. Thanks