What is With all these JPEG files being named ".mpg" lately ??
Please Repost in Proper format as these are unusable.
also - Please STOP Using the File Counter in your posts -eg [001/200] - it only Screws things up
when trying to Sort the list.
If you need to tell people how many files to expect, do it like you do when you Re-Name the first
file in a set to tell people what 21s set it is.
Example - "GMP_Britany_Screenshots_001 of 200.jpg"
next - just the file name - "britney_screenshots_002.jpg"
I don't know what News Reader you use, but I have the same problem in all 3 that I use,
in the way of sorting - because of the "File Counter"...
it is screwed up no matter wich way I sort the list.
Also - Never Start a "Subject Header" with the "File Counter" - or for that matter ANY # -
it Makes you look like a "Spammer" first of all...... and it makes it Impossible to properly sort
the list of headers.
Most Files are already numbered as is, and no doubt are sorted "Alpha Numeric" in your posting software,
when you go to post them... so No Need to add anything to keep the post sorted correctly.
If you feel that more information is needed... add it to the first filename in a way that it will still sort alpha in
"windows explorer"... and it will do the same in a news reader after being posted.
..or - add a txt or nfo - info file - to the post.
Thanks for all your posts - just hoping they could be easier to download.