Winona Fan, yes the animation is a process called rotoscoping, whatever
the hell that means. ??? :) ----- According to the film review by James
Winona's nudity was done with the animation only. ---- "A Scanner
Darkly" won't get to Las Vegas until July 14th, and I won't be seeing it
until the week after. I'm not expecting much from the movie either, I'm
just about finished reading the book and I think it is only fair. ----
:) Rusty
Winona says -- "My godfather Timothy Leary coined the phrase 'question
authority', it is one of my favorites. To question our government is the
most important thing people can do right now in the US." ---- I Love
Winona Ryder. :) Winona's film career has spanned 20 years now, let's
hope she will continue it for years to come.