Oh yes, I've seen that photo shoot.
They are available on the web and I'll get around to posting them
Winona FAN
On Fri, 9 Jun 2006 01:52:40 -0700, ILoveWinona@webtv.net (Rusty Winona
fan) wrote:
>Last March a British magazine titled "Another Magazine" had some very
>sexy pictures of Winona Ryder from a recent photo shoot. ---- I tried to
>find a copy of the mag, checking out quite a few bookstores here in Las
>Vegas, even the two bookstores at the airport. But no luck. ----- Well,
>I'll be damned, I found a copy of the magazine at a local Tower Records
>store last night. :) ----- Here is the very stunning image of Winona on
>the cover ------ http://spodychuck.tripod.com//am1.jpg ------ :) Rusty