"Rusty" <FANOFWINONA@webtv.net> wrote in message
> Alwayzbeencrazy, you can't be the 'worst person who ever lived' if you
> love "Beetlejuice" . :) LOL ---------- For me the movie "Beetlejuice"
> was the first time I ever saw the lovely and talented lady, Winona
> Ryder! --- The day was August 16, 1988, and I've loved Winona and her
> film career ever since. --------- :) Rusty
Yeah, Beetlejuice was my first Winona film as well. That's actually how I
got talked into seeing Heathers in the theater. I had no idea what Heathers
was about but my best friend sold me on going to see it with him by saying,
"It's got that chick from Beetlejuice that you liked so much." Heathers is
still my all-time favorite movie, I'm glad I saw it in the theater. :-)