Don't let The Fort die! Vote with your pocketbook, and drop the providers that drop us!
There are still providers who carry the Fort:
Retention: about a year
Speed: Fast
Completion: perfect
Retention: 10 years (Yes, complete Cosmos posts that far back!)
Speed: Medium
Completion: perfect
Retention: I couldn't tell. Tried to download a lot of the headers that they show, and it comes back "no such article". Maybe 1-2 years.
Speed: Fast
Completion: spotty
I think that Xennanews resellers carry it, but I'm not sure who they are.
Servers that DO NOT have the fort:
Highwinds resellers/subsidiaries (easynews, usenetserver, newshosting, and nearly everybody)
Astraweb (who seems to have forgotten who made them what they are)