"HMS Victor Victorian" <VictorVictorianREMOVE@hushmail.com>
wrote in message news:cb50n3dtbjlunvejp8gtpuclknnbm15mgr@4ax.com...
> You will, perhaps, forgive me if I hesitate to completely endorse your
> position regarding that "tea party." Lol.
> Victor
> God Save Her Majesty the Queen.
> God Preserve the Prince of Wales.
> Rule Britannia!
Well VV,
We have George Washington who chopped down the cherry tree,
Abraham Lincoln who chopped on logs, and then <sigh> they gave
the right to vote to our very aggressive USA women who ALL vote
in our local, county, State, and Federal elections. And now we have
Hillary and her husband running for the President of the USA!
I felt that I had to show something from me before the USA women
take over entirely and before it was too late.
(USA Citizen)
International Political Belief
The Boston Tea Party was an act of superior
reasoning by the American colonists.