On 2014-03-17 07:07:04 -0500, Doc NP-f31 said:
> On Sun, 16 Mar 2014 22:37:54 -0500, insane4boys
> <nevermind@notsaying.net> wrote:
>> I have been going to this site for a couple years now and it is very
>> safe. The person who tried to promote it didn't do a very good job in
>> the way they worded it. It's a forum/message board for teens and has a
>> section about puberty and members in there do post some very wild and
>> sexual things. If you Google Virtual Teen or go to boylinks.net, you'll
>> see that it is in fact a very safe site to visit and well worth it as
>> well. :)
> Hey I4B!
> Let me say that it is very good to see you in the group again. You
> have been missed.
> I would not go to a site like that. My experience in the past with
> such boy themed sites is that they are a haven for the laziest of
> policemen who prefer to let the perverts come to them by posing as a
> troubled teen. If you have ever interacted with one of these
> characters you will understand, they come on very quickly. I suppose
> the attraction for this section of the site may be the sexual tease
> that one gets from reading about such things. But is it real? Does
> that matter? I am not judging, but visiting a site like that is too
> much risk for too little reward. It's not for me. If you go there, I
> urge you to be cautious and wear your layered 'protection' so you can
> lurk safely.
> I will be with the real boys in the real world. hope to see you there
> too.
> Affectionately,
> Doc
> NP-f31
Sadly, I'm not really back. I just come on here when I get rare moments
to myself. There probably isn't much harm in just visiting that site as
a lurker and not registering, but I sure wouldn't recommend any of us
signing up and trying to talk to other boys on there. It makes for some
good reading though!