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Subject: Greetings from Al-Madinah International University
From: amani.abdulhadi@mediu.ws
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Al Salam Alaykom w rahmat allah w barkato
Dear : mr \ mrs
We are pleased that on behalf of the Al-Madinah International University [M
EDIU] greetings and best wishes for you continued success , coupled with th
e sincere invitations for your further success and development and growth.
Al-Madinah International University [MEDIU] Malaysia: "University City Worl
d [MEDIU] Malaysia" is one of the leading universities of Malaysia, which i
s characterized by excellence and excellence of technical and higher educat
ion areas, and " Al-Madinah International University [MEDIU] " is a multipl
e cultures and areas of study and is based
Malaysia Shah Alam , Here is a brief history.
1. " Al-Madinah International University [MEDIU]" founded early in 2004 in
Medinah Almonowra
2. In 19 / July / 2006, the university received the invitation of the Malay
sian Ministry of Higher Education for the establishment of the University C
entre in Malaysia.
3. On 20 / July / 2007, the university obtained full license from the Minis
try of Higher Education Malaysia to be the first international Malaysian U
niversity pursuing a systematic distance education using e-learning Targeti
ng the Students from around the world.
4. In early of February of 2008 the university began full operation of rece
ption of students.
5. joined the university for beginning of the year 2009, approximately [150
0 ] students from different countries, while the number of applications sub
mitted to the University of [3000] enrollment request.
. 6. Early / 2009. University offered more than (24) academic program accre
dited by the Accreditation Authority and the Ministry of Higher Education (
Malaysia), and more (34) accredited course in Arabic and English language c
. 7. Early 2009. Varied the levels of academic programs at the university t
o include foundation studies , Pre-university, diploma, bachelor's degree
- graduate studies, language training courses.
8. Mid-2009. The number of students who were enrolled in the university mor
e than (4701) students from more than 40 nationalities around the world.
. 9. The third quarter of 2009. The Al-Madinah International University [ME
DIU] Passed successfully institutional inspection held by the Malaysian Min
istry of Higher Education to ensure quality of academic and administrative
of the University.
10 . The end of 2009. The number of applications increased by the Universit
y of (6508) Application from more than (60) countries around the world, whi
le the number of students enrolled in the University (2482 )
11. The end of 2009.The university Completed the (10) new programs of study
for approval by the Malaysian accreditation of Graduate Studies.
12. The end of 2009. The Al-Madinah International University [MEDIU] starte
d the procedures to start the constituent university education in the disci
plines of direct scientific and practical, including a new Computer Science
, Finance and Administration, Engineering and intending to be started by mi
d-year 2010.
13. . Early in 2010. The number of students of the University increased to
(3057) students from around the world, from the beginning of September 201
14. The end of 2010. The number of applications received the university for
direct education on campus system around (511) applications and more than
(154) enrollment students.
15. Early of 2011. The number of applications received by the
university to direct education on campus system (2312) The number of enroll
ment students more than (362).
. . 16. Early in 2011. Al-Madinah International University [MEDIU] inclusio
n Programs of the Al-Madinah International University [MEDIU] in full accr
editation for four academic graduate programs in the Faculty of Islamic Sci
ences in the list of qualifications recognized by the Civil Service Commiss
ion, Malaysia
17. The end of 2011. The university the graduating first graduating batch
of students from the Al-Medina International University in the master's
programs, bachelor's and (84) students for the bachelor's degree, and (27)
students for master's degree.
What distinguishes the Al-Medinah International University [MEDIU].
First, high-technical and modern facilities: The technical infrastructure
of the Al-Medinah International University is designed to match the best s
tandards in the field of modern e-learning and distance education, includin
g those of infrastructure following matters:
Al-Medinah International University website on the Internet "www.mediu.edu.
my": which offers all university services, which content admission, regist
ration , inquiry , direct access to the lessons and communicate with lectur
ers and administrators staff of t the university.
The electronic system of educational administration "Alim" for managing th
e academic affairs of the university, which can be both a student univers
ity lectures , administrators and supervisors to manage all the Process of
study , direct communication, and dissemination the academic , exercise
and lectures of subjects.
The digital library
which provide for the student and university lecturer the most types of
works and textbooks.
a center of excellence for customer service, and to which the student or le
cturer or Enquirer from which to obtain any type of services available, and
administrative staff and faculty members of the university comes from many
nationalities and cultures from around the world, providing the University
a global spin and helps students to adapt quickly in the air school at the
Second, the various programs of study Accredited
The university from the set foundations academy to provide programs of stud
y in varied levels : foundation studies , pre-university, diploma, undergra
duate and postgraduate up to PhD, in a number of scientific disciplines, in
cluding disciplines of Islamic Sciences , Arabic Language , Finance and Man
agement, Computer Science, and Education, and Applied Science, is certified
all courses at the university in advance and before it is put by the appro
priations and specifications Academy of Malaysia under the Ministry of High
er Education of Malaysia and the universally recognized as known for short
as [MQA], has got the university to recognize the academic programs of exce
llence in more than 90 study programs. "Al-Madinah International Universi
ty," one of the first leading educational institutions in Malaysia in the f
ield of higher education in a number of programs and disciplines that it ha
s never in the field of e-learning.
Third: (distance education (through the five faculties are distributed as f
ollows: -.
. 1. Faculty of Islamic Sciences
2. Faculty of Languages
3. College of Computer and Information Technology
4. Faculty of Finance and Administration
5. College of Education 6. College of Engineering
7. Language Center
8. Center for foundation Studies for the undergraduate
Fourth, academic curriculum, the arbitrator:
"International Al-Madinah University " keen From the beginning to control
the academic curriculum of the programs of study, preparation and by Accred
ited and recognized to their knowledge, experience, and the University prov
ide a full academic curriculum, the, recording audio, text, references and
sources of study and divided by the lectures of study according to the acad
emic calendar in advance to students enrolled thus contributing to raising
their level of education, academic quality and achieve the target..
Fifth, the development of comprehensive programs for students:
From through the services offered by the "Al-Madinah International Universi
ty [MEDIU]" of headquarter or centers of services its Its service centers
in each of the (Kuwait - Saudi Arabia - Indonesia - Thailand - Egypt - Sing
apore - Malaysia - Britain - Morocco - Ghana), the university offered and p
rovide scientific skills and educational as well as basic education-oriente
d experience within the unique environment and means of educational Saattab
rha graduates of the university that it has changed the course of their liv
es. in addition to the administrative staff and the university's highest le
vels of academic qualification , and equipped with extensive experience in
teaching methods and supervision, which provides the most appropriate oppor
tunities for students to develop their skills through leadership of a diver
se global community, and is the university students and provides them with
multiple skills and capabilities, Kmharrat use of modern technology, and pr
oficiency in different languages, skills , personal development , leadershi
p skills, social activities and sports.
Sixth: The tuition fees are reasonable:
"Al-Madinah International University [MEDIU]" offers educated reasonable fe
e, where the tuition fees for diploma programs in Finance and Administratio
n and Computer science (the equivalent of a bachelor's degree) is about [4
000] U.S. dollars to the length of the study and that the range of about tw
o and a half to three years, while the total of tuition fees in undergradua
te programs in Islamic studies and Arabic language for the entire duration
of the study, which about four years [6000] to [7000] USD U.S., the avera
ge tuition fees for post master's degree in Islamic studies and Arabic lang
uage, which two years duration [6000] U.S. dollars.
thanks and appreciation to you for your perusal and hope of success
Best Regards,
Marketing Team of Al-Medinah International University