Dear Cartoon,
I've noted your first postings, the reaction to them from a few of our
patrons, and your own response to that. I think your reply was
unfortunate, but I understand, given how abruptly you were condemned
for your contribution.
As everywhere, there are patrons who have strong preferences and
equally strong dislikes, some of which are so basic that, when they
are violated it requires an immediate and verbal assault. I am not a
hypocrite in that sense. Although I believe each poster should be
free to post what they prefer uncensored, there are ideas and images
that so outrage me that I would lash out at them as well. I love
naked boys and naughty play ... I am disturbed by images of boys being
physically hurt ... even if they have been staged. I utterly abhore
and condemn materials that portray the torture, death and cannibalism
of boys. I feel these are WRONG in every sense ... no matter how
primitive the graphic.
But I also acknowledge that for every Boylover (however one might
define the term) there is a great range of what is viewed as "right"
and what is viewed as "wrong," what is to be embraced and what is to
be rejected. This we cannot change ... and we never will.
That said, I'd like to say that I thoroughly enjoyed your subsequent
postings! You have obviously gone to great trouble to collect a
variety of artwork, and I found much of it new to me ... alluring,
thought provoking and well-executed. I particularly liked the line
drawings, and some of the rather outrageous work of Timofeev (I hope
I've got that right).
I certainly hope you will continue.
Thank you.
Most Sincerely,
HMS Victor Victorian, Np-g18
God Save the Queen.
God Bless the Prince of Wales.
God Preserve the Windsors.
Rule Britannia!