rp from Fort || Duh Baby Freak ::Y-Not::, |
home |
Billy (noBilly@hotmail.com) |
2013/08/23 23:32 |
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Subject: rp from Fort || Duh Baby Freak ::Y-Not::,
From: Billy <noBilly@hotmail.com>
Organization: home
Message-ID: <XnsA225E4E1AC40FBilly@>
User-Agent: Xnews/5.04.25
Date: 24 Aug 2013 05:32:34 GMT
Lines: 38
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Duh Baby Freak ::Y-Not::,
Even from your diminished state of mind, you still should be able to do
better than that.
And contrary to what you stupidly wrote about an audience of zero, your
above words are being read by lots and lots of visitors to the Fort that
include lots and lots of enemies that you ::Y-Not:: have made in several
of the BL newsgroups.
And there are still visitors to the Fort that were present for your Fort
Usenet Castration and who cheered when your two testicles were removed.
And next you cowardly retired your scorned nic of ::Y-Not:: and cowardly
forged posting nics of deceased Fort members.
Baby Freak ::Y-Not::,
This will be continuous fun for me while you are pitifully hiding behind
forged nics of deceased Fort posters that include the deceased Doc. You
are a failure; no one has ever recognized you as a replacement for
KidHacker no matter how hard you tried with your pitiful forgeries of
Doc and even from your pitiful attempts for help from your fucked up HMS
Footnote: from your fingers that stroke your cock while masturbating to
nude pics of baby boy toddlers, comes out your very own words that have
trapped you into senility and what is being viewed and read by a large
audience of visitors to the Fort.
Finally Assisted suicide for Baby Freak ::Y-Not::??
If yes, please don't do it right away. You Baby Freak ::Y-Not:: owe
lots and lots of Fort viewers the ability to read some more of your ::Y-
Not:: posts before you croak. Hundreds of visitors to the Fort want to
savor and enjoy every word that you ::Y-Not:: write for them.