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Newsgroups: alt.fan.utb.naughty-boy
Subject: rp from the Fort || The real Doc NP-f31 was dead for over ONE YEAR
From: Billy <noBilly@hotmail.com>
Organization: home
Message-ID: <XnsA2259055D482Billy@>
User-Agent: Xnews/5.04.25
Date: 23 Aug 2013 21:13:54 GMT
Lines: 22
NNTP-Posting-Host: 90c9cd07.news.astraweb.com
X-Trace: DXC=>77SiRFlC1\Zio4aKR`fh\L?0kYOcDh@ZC=<DhD^HeVUE3=kG9hhb7R[`2jY88cePZeSd<l8oRFD_U^aMc_Y_AF^HYO0hHTcTSUg;mdMgFNm@U
The real Doc NP-f31 was dead for over ONE YEAR
The neutered "she" didn't attempt forging Doc until there wasn't a post
from Doc in any BL newsgroup for over one year.
Like with KidHacker, the real Doc is dead.
The neutered "she" was scorned in the Fort by KidHacker and several other
holders of the NP badge. There was no objection from anyone in the Fort
(except "she" slobbering all over the place) to carry out the Fort Usenet
Castration. And there was a joyous Fort party during and long after the
castration with lots of laughter.
This neutered "she" is a parasite that forges nics of deceased Fort posters
that includes Doc NP-f31.