On Tue, 16 Oct 2007 09:33:20 GMT, the non <myaddress@server.co> wrote:
>I found the following posted on ABC News (comments) pertaining to the
>English teacher alleged to have posted photos of himself playing with
>Asian boys:
>It would seem that with all the identity theft, phishing and other
>internet crimes that cause palpable loss, damage or injury, Interpol
>might have somewhat higher priorities than interfering with a
>non-western cultural tradition, i.e. assymetric sex has been accepted
>and practiced in Asia for thousands of years, as it was in the time of
>Moses when Jews would sneak away to visit the child prostitutes at the
>Temple of Baal. There is nothing new about this, only the West's
>preoccupation with it. As someone pointed out in another comment, many
>people depend on people like this alleged sex tourist for their living,
>and none of their governments provide any form of alternative. Parents
>still SELL their children in southeast Asia. Concentrate resources
>against crimes that have palpable consequences, not as a means of
>promoting cultural conformity.
A succinct observation, the non, but lost in the maelstrom of moral
hysteria. The West is abhored by these kinds of stories, and just
can't get enough. Two headliners today!
Well, it is a nice distraction from the real evils that the West,
particularly the United States, has perpetrated, but it comes at a
cost ... as the poor sailors on the Belgrano discovered.
God Save Her Majesty the Queen.
God Preserve the Prince of Wales.
Rule Britannia!