On Mon, 26 Sep 2011 02:02:30 +0100 (BST),
<Use-Author-Supplied-Address-Header@[127.1]> wrote:
>Hash: SHA512
>HMS Victor Victorian wrote in alt.fan.utb.naughty-boy on Sunday 25 September
>2011 11:43 in Message-ID: <bqiu771psq6ablch0b60q2isvqt3adrq4t@4ax.com>:
>> Dear Baal,
>> If my correspondent was indeed you, then you've misrepresented
>> yourself by signing your name "C", a detail I had unfortunately
>> overlooked earlier.
>Guess it wasn't me, then -- I've never signed any message with "C".
>I've since seen Cosmos say it was he who wrote you; it would appear that we
>both did (at differing times), but you may not have received my message.
>I had written to you several weeks back, and I assumed it was my message
>that you were referring to. Come to think of it, though, you may not have
>received it, as I didn't get a response. (I'll send you another copy).
>For what it's worth, any email messages coming from me are PGP-clearsigned,
>just like my Usenet posts. If the post's PGP signature doesn't verify as
>valid, then the post isn't from me. My key is on the Hushmail keyservers, so
>it is easy to verify whether the signature is genuine or not. As a matter of
>fact, Hushmail's software will show that my signature(s) are valid when you
>open the email. Hushmail will actually report:
>This message is encrypted, and is digitally signed by Baal_signing <Baal@hod.aarg.net>.
>Hod.aarg.net was the name of an earlier nymserver whose address is on my key;
>why it displays that address, and not the current one, I have no idea.
>> Once again, you provide a wealth of information regarding the issue at
>> hand ... and I appreciate your efforts on my behalf.
>You're most welcome. I think it's important for people to realize what
>they're getting into; you have to understand the limits of the technology
>that you're relying on to protect you. I'll post more on that later.
>> Most Sincerely Yours,
>> V
>> God Save the Queen.
>> God Bless the Prince of Wales.
>> God Preserve the Windsors.
>> Rule Britannia!
>Baal <Baal@Usenet.org>
>PGP Key: http://wwwkeys.pgp.net:11371/pks/lookup?op=get&search=0x1E92C0E8
>PGP Key Fingerprint: 40E4 E9BB D084 22D5 3DE9 66B8 08E3 638C 1E92 C0E8
>Retired Lecturer, Encryption and Data Security, Pedo U, Usenet Campus
Dear Baal,
I have seen the same and report it is exactly as you represent, and I
have written you regarding your latest.
God Save the Queen.
God Bless the Prince of Wales.
God Preserve the Windsors.
Rule Britannia!
Follow-ups: | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 |