On 10 Mar 2011 22:27:01 -0600, "Group_Troll"
<GroupTroll@Pissed.Off.nl> wrote:
>Four years here? Really? Where has time gone?
>Where is Naughty-boy?
>Where is Frogbutt?
>Where is Party Food?
>Where is Birthday Cake?
>Where is beer, wine, Ale, milk, soda, pop?
>Where is nude dancing boys?
>No poster ever posts my type of artwork.
>No poster ever posts in this empty group.
>The posts in this group suck!
>No human in this group ever gave me a birthday party.
>Where did all the posters go?
>Dear Sir Victor,
> Than### Than### thank##shit## tha....## shit!!!
>Dear Sir Victor,
> You are welcome for the artwork you take time to upload.
> Yes, I must say "Than### thank###shit!!! Thank y####shit!
> Okay! You are welcome for your work!
>SAFETY FIRST! I still worry about you!
>Let me try again!:
>Dear Sir Victor,
> Thanks for####shit! Thank### Thank Yo##@@%%SWHIT!
> AWwwwwwww Go Fuck You and your artwork!
> You are much A-pree-she-ate-ed!
> What more wonderful things can a troll say about you?
>my "reforming" is washing away!
>Take care of yourself Sir Victor!
Dear Group Troll,
I would agree with you that it was an ace film,
But I fear you take too much to heart the ailment
Portrayed in the King's Speech!
And a good Gesundheit to YOU!
May God Bless the Royal Family
Preserve the Monarchy.