The Paradise Boys collection is extensive, to say the least.
Vogelfuetter has shared his work from at least 1999 to at least April
of 2007, at his original website and at the original Boyhood Paradise,
most likely without his permission. This, then, is an impromptu Vitae
for Herr Vogelfuetter.
The artist began his work with rather primitive video captures of
Moroccan boys swimming at an irrigation dam and acequia. Obviously a
boylover himself, the boys were perfect subjects for him insomuch as
they wore particularly gaping and baggy shorts [actual swimming attire
being seemingly rare] and were not overly modest. It appears he
became very close with several boys, most particularly one oft known
as Samir and another, clearly a long time relationship, with a boy
known at times as Munir. After doing some work at the acequia, he
made a very nice series of inflatable pool shots, including a video,
taken within the privacy of a fallen down adobe structure. He also
began more of a studio posed effort, including boas, loincloths and
grass skirts.
Over time, his popularity among the boys was clearly growing. Whether
it was due to his love for them, their affection for him, or the great
probability he was paying them to pose, is unclear--though all three
probably contributed to his success. He continued and expanded
considerable work at the seaside as well as indoor studio work, which
continued up through the first part of 2007, photographing literally
dozens of boys in various stages of undress. This later work revolved
around themes of video games, bathing and showering, bed posing,
wrestling and other such gymnastics. The quality varies from subject
to subject, but invariably there are stunning shots of prepubescent,
enthusiastic and beaming Arab boys.
Time and resources allocated at Naughty-Boy Galleries prevent
exhibiting the entire body of work. The Gallery must also consider
the best interests of the artist, as well. However, based on the
response of you priviledged patrons [all blue-bloods, no bloody doubt
about it!], the Management will exhibit photographs best
representative of Vogelfuetter's work.
Certainly, any specific request will be considered.
Thank you.