I've got "Red and Black" and "Do You Hear the People Sing?" from Les
Miserables rolling through my head and I can't make it stop!
Revolutionary fever, I suppose!
Watch out, Gavrouche! Be careful! Oh!
Poor, poor lad!
How many images of that kind then have we beheld on the tellie, in the
news and in real life? Such a tragedy ... it would be simple to
loathe those responsible for such death and destruction and wish the
purveyors of war-- all of them--to suffer the pain of the child, and I
fervently DO!
But never mind! Let's just be nice, so here I present a short, nice
series to warm the heart! Love, always, to Johnie.
God Save Her Majesty the Queen.
God Preserve the Prince of Wales.
Rule Britannia!