On Sat, 6 Nov 2010 03:02:51 +0100, "him@nowhere.togo" <---@kkk.com>
>90% in this group is repost, ..can look at this stuff in a lot of groups... some users are posting always the same old boring, senseless pics... why??
>i think, its better to post nothing, than wasting time with posting such stuff.......
>o.k. this fkk-films are breathtaking, but this boring jpg-floods are complety senseless and horrible.........can look at this pics in other groups... why posting the same old shit again a again ......... bettter go to bed than see this o shit....
Hello Him,
It's interesting that you would come waltzing into this group and
begin to criticize the posters and content like you've been here all
along and you're some sort of contributor. The truth of the matter is
you have no idea what this group is all about and you absolutely have
no sense of history. What has happened in this group is a real
miracle. Things are happening here that rarely happen. If you'd pay
attention you might learn something.
Kindly shut the hell up.
Many thanks,