On Sat, 25 Sep 2010 12:23:09 -0600, HMS Victor Victorian
<victorvictorian@hushunomail.com> wrote:
>Dearest Patrons, Clients, Friends and Curious Passerbyers!
>Please note that the upcoming passworded rar offering
>Is an advertisement
>For a literary work, a play, actually
>Done by YoursMostTruly,
>Which will be presented here in
>The Galleries,
>In literary, rather than video format.
>(And yes, Kittens, that means you have to read it, as well you may
>wish, since your name sake has a pivotal role in the production!)
>Please note the attachment, a bill of the production.
>Within the promotional video, you will be encouraged,
>Should you have the interest,
>To apply for auditions for your favourite part,
>(Should you have any).
>I had toyed with the idea of merging the reading aspect of the play
>With a video montage of relevant pictures,
>Using perhaps MMM, PhotoDex or Powerpoint,
>But dismissed the idea as detracting from the
>Literary value of the piece,
>(Should there be any).
>A value which I, as the playwrite, do not assume,
>For you as the audience will be the ultimate judge of that!
>And should I be judged the "playwrong,"
>Then you've my sincere apologies for having
>Wasted your time.
>Sincerely Yours,
>HMS Victor Neil Simon Victorian, NP-g18
>God Save the Queen.
>God Bless the Prince of Wales.
>God Preserve the Windsors.
>Rule Britannia!
any password hints?