On Sat, 04 Sep 2010 04:30:25 GMT, sparrow <noone@nowhere.ru> wrote:
>Dar Victor
>What happened to Paradise Boys? You don't seem to post any pics from them
>If you can can you repost or maybe find some new ones. It would be
>Thanks for all your posts by the way!
Dear Sparrow,
I assume from your query that you refer to images posted these many
years hence by one Vogelfuetter. Is that correct?
For your information, he has resurrected his website and represents
that he has new photography of what I assume are young Arabic boys in
Morocco, as has been his habit. You must know that there is, of
course, a fee the site charges for full access and, secondly, that it
has been roughly two months since I've popped in ... not being a
paying member ... so the site may well be dysfunctional if not
defunct. Here is the present address. As of 15:49 GMT, it was
You are very welcome, Sparrow. If you've any further questions or
requests, please don't hestitate to pop in.
HMS Victor Victorian, NP-g18