the only illegal thing i have seen here is the wifesex things.
think his fight is not srios, why he make criminal things.
and GOD not say not have sex or show nude kids.
that is a interpretation, but this you not will find on bible.
i since i'm a child baptism, but all request of this, the prediger say nothing, only from mose: you not lay down with your kids.
also why make this fight?
to control kids? when you want control go to china, russia or marid with fidel castro.
why at moment i see anway: control, censorship and anti democratic law.
and usa make it he say he want terror things, but hiw want is control the energy of the world.
since many years i no more like the usa, why he not a real democratic system.
in usa you can buy all (police and law incl).
and the bigest antidemocratic things: jailed his kids, mordering by law.
this all say usa is a culture of agression and not a country of love and democraty.