On 12 Jan 2007 07:23:01 -0800, "Uncle Davey"
<jerzy.jakubowski@gmail.com> wrote:
- Refer:
>This article is about Skilling, the Enron white collar criminal
>inspired by Richard Dawkins' Selfish Gene, his favorite book.
>I thought that the Dawkins fans on some of the groups I have posted to
>would like to make a comment on whether they agree that Richard Dawkins
>is co-responsible for the defrauding of so many poor investors in the
>name of Darwinian selfish-geneism.
No more than is Newton responsible for the death of people who jump
off cliffs and succumb to gravity.
If you somehow think that merely explaining an existing phenomenon
makes the explainer then responsible for the consequences of that
phenomenon entails a staggering deficiency in rational thought.
Anyone who holds that position should be locked in a secure mental
institution forthwith.
Does that include you?