> R.Schenck wrote:
> <snip>
> > But hyopthetically, how would it change things -if- the ice cap melt
> > was sufficient to cover the mountains on the modern earth?
> >
> >
> Davey is apparently too stupid to know that the north pole ice cap is
> floating on sea water, and if the entire thing were to melt tomorrow, it
> would not raise the sea level AT ALL.
> He's also apparently too stupid to know that if all the ice on the
> planet --- every cubic inch of it --- were to melt tomorrow, it STILL
> would not be enough to cover the earth.
> Just as Davey is apparently too stupid to know that the "moon dust"
> argument was a pile of shit that even CREATIONISTS have been begging
> people not to use because it makes creationists look stupid.
> Davey is, apparently, not very bright.
You asked were the flood water went, and I told you.
I could also have told you that mountains arose as a result of the rapid
continental drift that started during the flood but which hasn't stopped
even yet, although now it's slowed down almost to stopping. That was what at
one point threw up higher land and salinated the seas after enough
groundwater and ice was saved.
There is no mention of mountains prior to the flood. Ararat is the first
mountain mentioned in the Bible. There is one verse (Genesis 7 v 20, where
the word 'mountains' is mentioned, but this cannot mean what we mean by
mountains in the post Flood experience, as it says explicitly "Fifteen
cubits upwards did the waters prevail and the mountains were covered"
That is on back of the verse 19, which says that the high hills were
covered, so the difference between what they called a hill and a mountain,
pre Flood was only fifteen cubits, which is like only 7 metres more than the
high hills. Probably there was no altitude more than say 20 metres from sea
level. The earth was clearly a lot less corrugated in those times, and that
probably referred both to the height of the land and the depth of the sea.
I think that you are making problems that the Bible already has answers for
if you bother to look and if you take the trouble to think about it.
Uncle Davey
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