Hi - And thanks for the reply and your helpful advice, TH1. I did
try the PAR2 route before my original email and it says I am still
missing 38 blocks. I managed to find Two Boys in the
Woods-Ed.avi.001 through 25, minus the two parts I mentioned. But
the PAR2 files I have still won't do the job.
If anyone could find it in their heart to repost the missing two parts
I would be really grateful. From the little I have been able to see
so far, this looks like an amazing video.
Thanks also to squiggle for advice about the group move. I didn't
know that (but I do now!).
On Sat, 04 Apr 2009 15:07:00 GMT, TH1 <th1@x.invalid> wrote:
>On Sat, 04 Apr 2009 14:34:40 +0100, hunter01@hushmail.com wrote:
>>Hi guys -- I just found this post and downloaded it only to find that
>>- on Easynews - some of the parts were frustratingly missing! These
>>are -
>>1. Two Boys in the Woods-Ed.avi.005
>>2. Two Boys in the Woods-Ed.avi.017
>>I think the original poster was the kindly Mr Squiggle! Many thanks
>>in advance!!
>There should be enough PAR2s to cover those problems easily - it looks
>like only one news article is missing in each of those split files. So
>just use Agent's M(ark) command on both of them, download what there
>is, and let QuickPar fix things.