On Sun, 28 Dec 2008 11:06:14 GMT, me@myhumbleabode.net wrote:
>You know, these new owners must be totally clueless. How do they
>expect to compete with others (hint: Giganews) if they have a group
>list that's thousands less than the competition?
There are thousands of crap newsgroups carried by some servers that
have no useful purpose (unless you are looking for one to hijack and
give it a useful purpose). Some news servers allow the creation of
any old group by any old group creation bot. Most have more
reasonable rules and require groups to be created by a human for a
good reason. So I have seen news servers with well over 100,000
groups, of which half are useless. A server with over 60,000
newsgroups will have a fair bit of crap (do we really need both
0.siberian-huskys and 1.siberian-huskys ???), and anything more than
that will be extra unneeded crap. I downloaded the full lists from
news.easynews.com and news.us.easynews.com about a week ago, and I am
seeing 64,717 and 81,679 newsgroups respectively.
>They must be idiots (or not paying attention to their own servers).
>I've spent a little time in their support group over the past few
>weeks, and they really have a strange methodology in there. Lot's of
>"dancing", but no real solid answers to any of their current problems.
Yes, I have been less than impressed with how they "fix" things
recently. There are lots of obvious problems still continuing after
they have said they were fixed. Bring back Godzilla!
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