Xref: news.nzbot.com alt.fan.prettyboy:21557
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Subject: v+*+*+*+ NOTICE- I won't be posting for a few weeks - +*+*+*+
Date: Thu, 20 Apr 2017 05:47:24 -0400
From: " +Grant. " <+Grant@grant.grant>
Newsgroups: alt.fan.prettyboy
Reply-To: +Grant.
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NOTICE- I won't be posting for a few weeks.
I'm not bringing my story files with me.
I won't see any replies until I come back.
It won't be as long as it took Ulysses to make it back home, but he did
have a few axes to er, shoot at.
He probably did some grinding after that. Really missed his wife.
Take care everyone!