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Subject: +*+*+*+ Solomon's Private File #250 "Attacks On Girl's Schools" +*+*+*+
Date: Mon, 24 Oct 2016 21:23:26 -0400
From: " +Grant. " <+Grant@grant.grant>
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Solomon's Private File #250
These stories about Stephen and Solomon take place starting in
1950's. Stephen wrote about his life in letters to a penpal, and then
in a secure blog, in case he lost his memory again, in the master
computer in his school for gifted students, which he started attending
in 2016 in a new incarnation, until his death. Now his son Solomon is
attending the same school, and is writing in his own secure blog for
his future incarnations.
All characters are fictitious, even if some of them might have names
that belong to some actual people, or act like people we know.
Solomon is 27 in this story, in the Spring of 2053.
Solomon's Private File #250 "Attacks On Girl's Schools"
I said to George and Daren, "Available SAC to Pakistan with me and
Hawk. There!" They ported in with Hawk, and I shifted there, just as
the Taliban were about to attack a girl's school with swords. We
surrounded the school, and the attackers bounced off of our shields.
They tried to run away, and they hit my containment shield. They
screamed. Well, it was a little electrified. I stepped forward and grew
to become a giant. I thundered, "I am Solomon! These are CHILDREN you
would kill! They are innocent! God forbids the harming of the innocent!
What you do is NOT the word and desire of God! YOU are NOT of God in
any way! The weapons you would use are now a part of you." I wrapped
their dominant arms with the blades of the swords so that their arms
wouldn't bend. I said, "Any attempt to cut them off you, will cause
your manhood to no longer perform. If you try this again, please use a
camera to record what will happen to you, so all will know, who would
disobey God, as you would have done. DO YOU HEAR ME?"
I said, "Hawk, they have one arm free. Do you think any of them are
stupid enough to try to do this again with the other arm?" He said,
"Part of me wishes they would, just to see what would happen." I said,
"It may be what they expect, or something they do not." He said, "Oh.
Good. The cowards SOULD fear the unknown." I said, "At least as much as
they fear little girls." He said, "Ah, yes, they DO fear them, or they
would not want to murder them." I said, "But they don't know fear as we
can help them to feel." He said, "Judging by the liquids at their feet,
I think they are beginning to suspect." I lifted the Taliban high up
into the air. I said, "Do you wish to depart from this place?" Silence.
I said, "I ASKED YOU A QUESTION! ANSWER ME!" They said they did. I
said, "So, you wish me to let you go?" They could see Hawk grinning.
Some said, "Please let us down gently, so we may leave." I said, "I
don't feel gentleness toward you. What will you do to earn my good
will?" One said, "We will tell our people not to kill children." I
said, "And why should they not do that?" He said, "Because doing that
is not of Islam." I said, "That is correct. Being so, they should not
need man to remind them. Unless your friends are themselves not of
Islam?" He said, "They are not." I said, "You do not believe that. DO
NOT LIE TO ME!" He was silent. I said, "Must I call on God to tell you
directly, what His Prophet has been made to say for Him? He has been
angry in some contacts before. I don't know that He will do to you, who
have committed many sins in His name."
They were so afraid, they made some very smelly messes. Hawk said,
"They show they DO know, and expect God's wrath." I said, "Actual
intelligence. What a surprise." One yelled out, "I believe! Please!"
Most of the others said similar things. I let them down. Hawk said to
them, "You don't know how fortunate you are. If you had even just
injured one child, you would have felt that pain and horror all the
rest of your lives, and you would not be able to seek your deaths. Sol
wouldn't be doing that, I would! He is here today to make it so I don't
have to, and the girls are unharmed." I said to them, "You may go. Er,
I smell that you have already done some of that. Hawk, I wonder what
would have happened if your sister had been here instead of me." He
said, "You would have been glad not to have been here. Your sensitive
hearing. Oops, they're doing it again." I said, "The barrier is gone.
Please take your deposits with you." They didn't, which Hawk said. I
said, "Their pockets know differently." He grinned.
I said in the air, "Rose, Leia." They ported in and entered the
school to calm the girls. The Corps left. I shrunk back down to regular
size, and said to Hawk, "They prove the Taliban KNOW they are
disobeying God with what they do, that they so fear contact with Him.
All should know this now." He said, "I hope. Were you really going to
do a God contact?" I said, "It's not good that I should be that angry.
I would have made that contact cover the whole world, severely
disrupting things unannounced. And it would be on live TV, as this has
been." He said, "Oh, I didn't know. Good." The girls and teachers came
out to honor me. I said, "I do God's work. To honor that work, not the
man, is to honor God. For Him only, I accept your feelings." I glowed
and wrapped them in my love, and shifted to the studios in CNN and Al
Jazeera. I said, "So ends another action. No discussion. Here's some
recordings with translations and subtitles." Then I was gone.
We were at home. Mom said, "Really world wide?" I said, "Yes, and I
was going to make it an automatic consequence for all." She said,
"Should have." I said, "No, it would be wrong. A gang of 17 year olds
attack a man, and he can't defend himself?" She said, "Oh. Right. I
wasn't thinking like the enlightened." I said, "And me, with that
temptation. I need to be more careful. Also why I'm not doing a show
about it. They would ask." Hawk said, "OH!"
They asked, and I didn't answer. Two days later, the same thing
happened in Mali, and with some farm tools, too. Same result. I saw
that word was getting passed. Then a different issue. An Islamic holy
man in Egypt ordered the killing of a reporter. He was in his office
alone, when I shifted to be inside it. I sat in the air, and said,
"Greetings, Ahmed. A little curiosity, here. Why do some of you change
your names when you take up holy authority?" He said, "In truth, I'm
not completely sure. It's custom. It may be an attempt to increase
one's status by assuming names of past people of importance." I said,
"It was so in Buddhist Tibet, and Catholic Popes did it. You might be
right. Also, I think my father did that deliberately with me, so I
wouldn't feel the need to." He smiled and said, "Some of us have
thought that." I said, "A little annoying, actually." Chuckles.
I said, "In Tibet, the most common pastime among the religious, is
debating. Most Monasteries have more than one school, so the people
there won't have to travel far to have people with whom they can
debate. As in all TRUE debate, they often switch sides on the issues,
to learn knew insights, apart from their own beliefs. And all without
violence, too. Fun to watch. Hands fly in the air, but hold nothing but
wisdom. Clarity of vision evolves, and the joy of that is shared. It
wasn't always so in the past, where debate often had points of steel to
press the different ideas into bleeding people. They have learned that
doing that to their own, while those outside of them wish to do more
violent things to them, is very much not in their favor."
He said, "What of those who stir the feelings of others, who then
cause damage?" I said, "As in all things, judging that should be done
with full knowledge of the situation. Did the people use what was said,
because they needed something to attach their deep feelings to, that
another statement would have done the same for? Many times, the
feelings of people don't need to be caused by others. They are caused
by events and conditions. Almost any spark will set them off.
Unpredictable, actually. It could even be a good thing, that spark.
Feelings long not expressed, well, the longer they build up, the more
violent their release. Some people in power have deliberately caused
that, for that reason. I have, with some individuals who were angry
with me." He tried not to look surprised. I smiled, and he smiled
ruefully in return. I said, "The anger of the people is a very serious
and dangerous thing. Many have ridden to power on it, that they and
others think they caused, and discovered that riding that tiger is a
very uncertain way to go anywhere, but his stomach. The same for
suppression of debate. That will only make it stronger and noisier, and
those who oppose it, a big fat target of tigerish people." He looked a
little strange.
I said, "Oh, I know. Now you know it's really me." Chuckles. I said,
"But there is another thing. When honest debate is countered with lies
and other dishonorable things, that causes all who had supported that
side who did not disavow it, to be dishonored, and often against their
will, who's loyalty is then sorely tested. They may be motivated to act
with some displeasure against such a one, if not so much in public." He
nodded and said, "I am beginning to understand some things I hadn't
fully thought of." I said, "Personal fear is a great motivator to
think." He laughed, and said, "That is so!" I said, "In its beginnings,
and for a thousand years, Islam was often debated, and that was often
encouraged. Often peaceably. What has made that less now, is not other
religions, or those with no religion, but the splintering of Islam into
many different parts, who do NOT debate to learn about each other and
themselves, because it is a wise truth that you cannot know yourself
well, until you can see yourself as others do. Many of our own personal
truths are so much a part of us, that they are below our awareness,
that others can see and inform us of. Such a great gift is lost, when
there is no debate, and the debaters are silenced or removed." He
nodded and said, "I see true wisdom in that."
I said, "Have you reviewed my recent published actions in Pakistan
and Mali?" He said, "I review all your published actions, many times."
I said with a smile, "In self defense?" He smiled and said, "In part,
yes." I said, "Some who would debate in public have been known to ask
people to do things God does not approve of. Attack a government
building, for example." He said, "True." I said, "Or to kill a person
or persons." He said, "Also true." I said, "It is the act that God
disproves of, and the request that it is to be done, which in the mind
of God, is equal to the act. And to God, there is no difference in such
a thing, for the status of the persons who do that. We are all equal
before God, for what we do. With one exception. Those who do that in
the Name of God, are made to suffer more for that, when they are judged
by Him. Is there anything I just said that you did not know?" He said,
"Only some things I did not allow myself to consider. As his Prophet,
and as you have done before, this suffering could happen before final
judgement?" I said, "You know it has before, and so could happen again.
It is not as I choose. It hurts me terribly, but I am His, and so must
do His will. I love you. I love all. God loves you, and all. But that
doesn't stop what must be done. One more comment about debate. The
truth you most don't want to hear, is usually what you most NEED to
hear." He said, "Such wisdom is not to be denied."
I stood, and so did he. I offered to hug, and he accepted. I helped
him to sit. I said, softly, "God loves each person fully, regardless of
how much love or belief they have for Him. How would YOU feel if
somebody killed one YOU loved, in YOUR name?" That struck him to the
core. I bowed. He said, "Please wait. I request that this be on the
television. Such wisdom MUST be shared with all." I said, "I will not
include your personal reasons that I'm not mentioning that you have
just thought of, in it." He grinned widely, and said, "I knew you would
see that. Thank you very much!" I said, "We call that, 'spreading the
blame'." He said, "That works." I said, "Friend?" He said through his
tears, "I don't deserve it, but I must accept." I bowed and said,
"Farewell, my friend." I shifted out. I gave the recordings to Al
I shifted to meet with the president of CNN in his office. I gave him
the recordings and a crystal. He read it, and said, "Wow! You made him
retract his Fatwa, and without telling him to. He's right. This wisdom
should be shared." I said, "Unfortunately, most who need it the most,
won't see it." He said, "But they'll know about it, eventually." I
said, "In a way more easily ignored. For them, religion is only a tool,
not a real thing of truth and wisdom. Sadly, holy books are written in
a way that often obscures the truth they try to express, and made worse
by translators who knew less than they needed to, for their work. and
much of that was changed to comply with the politics of the time,
causing many contradictions. It takes real study to see the real truth
in them, that few have the time for, and with some, not the developed
intelligence. Few education systems teach people how to think well.
It's mostly memorization to pass substandard tests. A truly trained
thinker can answer many of those test questions correctly without even
knowing the subject."
I said, "What most people know of their holy books comes from what
other people have told them, and that for their manipulation. A great
many people believe things they think are in the Bible, that are not,
and don't know that Paul tried to say that what isn't in it, is NOT of
it, and should not be treated as if it was of God. Few people know that
Moses and Jesus are in the Koran, and are considered to be major
Prophets, and that Jesus is expected to return as the Messiah. Many
Muslims don't seem to remember that The Prophet Muhammad required that
ALL houses of God, including that of Christians and Jews, MUST be
respected and protected from harm. And their holy people, too. It's
forbidden even to speak against other religions. Jews, Christians, and
Muslims, share a lot in their religions, and should NOT fight each
other in the name of God, the same God for ALL! There is no greater sin
than to kill in the name of God, for that hurts God directly, in his
love for us all." He said, "May I have a recording of this to add to
this broadcast?" I gave him the recording and the crystal, leaving out
his comment about the Fatwa. He noticed, and nodded.
That broadcast caused a lot of comment from a lot of people,
including religious leaders of many faiths. A lot of praise for my
wisdom. The Egyptian didn't fare too badly either, even after his
retraction. Tibetans loved what I said, and not unexpectedly, debated
every little bit of it. They knew I watched that, too. Grins all over.
I made the rounds of the leaders of the major religions, with hugs.
The leader of the American Association of Lutheran Churches asked to
see me. I ported to his office. I said, "According to your faith, and
its rules, you are committing sacrilege in meeting with me." He said,
"Ah, I understand why you have ignored us now. It's true that we are
forbidden to engage in interfaith activities, being required to view
other religions, including other Christian denominations, as
sacrilegious, but that doesn't prohibit all communication with them." I
said, "Then why do it, to no useful purpose?" He said, "You are being
rather harsh." I said, "I know. You oppose what I work for. I could do
worse." He said, "We are very much aware of that. You have made
personal friends of those we thought would be the least possible for a
Christian or Jew, and by that, we have been forced to learn of them,
and to examine ourselves in a new light, that we are less deserving in
your view, than they were."
I said, "And you are correct. I know that hurts. Reality often does,
when it bites the faithful in places they didn't know they had. There
are enough Christians for my purpose. You aren't needed, and
truthfully, not wanted as you are. I will NOT approve of any religion
that forbids all cooperation with all other religions. All are of and
for God, to serve him, and his desires and plans for us. You treat a
book written by many men for their own purposes, as the literal word of
God. Any reasonably intelligent person knows that no translation is
perfect. It can't be. It's not possible, even if we stipulate that the
translators perfectly understood the societies in which the original
passages were taking place or written in. Idiomatic expressions are
VERY tough to translate without knowing that background. Therefore,
what you have is not perfect, and can NOT be the accurate word of God,
because HE alone is perfect."
He was streaming tears. He said, "Do the Catholics know this?" I
said, "In Rome, very much so. Keep a secret?" He said, "I swear!" I
said, "In a contact with the Pope and Cardinals, God was a little er,
cross with them, about hiding the truth. I don't think they ever
recovered from that." He said, "Wow!" I said, "I knew it! I knew you
would say it, sooner or later." He had to chuckle. I said, "Such a
burden that one word gives me, I could live very well without." He
said, "But what would you have to complain about, that doesn't cause
anger, without it?" I said, "Now you show your wisdom, in revenge." He
said with a smile, "Yes I do!"
I said, "In the Bible, there is an assumption from it that rich men
are less likely to enter heaven." He said, "I'm aware of that. The Eye
of the Needle." I said, "That was a colloquial name for a very narrow
gate in the wall of Jerusalem. Donkeys with the large saddle bags of
the rich wouldn't fit through it. The saying that refers to that, was
an idiomatic expression used to indicate that something was very
unlikely. It was NOT meant to be taken literally. Just as the 'three
times' expression was used only for emphasis in much of the Bible.
Three was a special number. So was forty. See them in the Bible, don't
believe them. When Jesus said 'You will deny me three times', that was
using the expression. But how interesting is it that the writer didn't
know that, and so created the events there to make it true? But don't
let that change your mind about the lessons that is supposed to teach
us. Truth is often hidden in untruth, just waiting for us to discover
it with our increasing wisdom, caused by critical thinking." He said,
"Wow! I had to say it." I said, "Oh, alright. I cause it myself, so I
have to accept it." Smiles.
He said, "I didn't expect this!" I said, "Not another one!" He
laughed. I said, "Math is all wrong in the Bible. Jacob brought his
household to Egypt. It was about eighty people. Moses was of the forth
or fifth generation after they arrived, depending on how you look at
it. The number of Israelites he led out of Egypt are impossible as
recorded, even if they had screwed all their waking hours." He grinned
and said, "Interesting choice of words." I said, "If you're watching.
It's not as if they didn't try. No, they weren't emulating rabbits just
for fun, although they sure didn't hate doing it. Most children died
before maturity. If you had none, you could not advance your household
or tribal society. And many women died in childbirth." He said, "I'm
aware of the history of that."
I said, "I think we have strayed from the subject, like Mary's lambs.
How will the future think of what I just said, not knowing of that
nursery rhyme? Will I have known an actual Mary, who used to be too
sheepish?" He smiled and said, "I hope they know you are a great
teacher." I said, "Ha! More revenge." He laughed. I said, "So, what
now?" He said, "I don't know." I said, "How about a little gift. In a
meeting with the Cardinals and Pope, I was asked if I was Martin
Luther. I said I wasn't, but wished I had been." He said, "Why did you
wish that?" I said, "He was quite a character. One of the foulest
mouthes in all creation. Made it into high art." He laughed. He said,
"We knew of that, but not described so er, colorfully." I said, "I told
them I could tell them what happened when he vanished." He said, "It
was assumed the inquisition got him." I said, "Want to know what I told
them?" He said, "I do!" I said, "We had been talking about my story
telling ability, so I did it in that form." I repeated it. He said,
"Well done! Better in the short form, than your book, which we liked."
I said, "Thank you. I wrote the book after that." He said, "May I have
a recording of this meeting?" I said, "I think you might not want to
make this fully public, and there are things only you should know." He
said, "If you remove those?" I said, "Alright, but crystal, only.
Here." He read it, and said, "It has your love in it! Thank you."" I
said, "You're welcome."
I stood, and offered to hug. He accepted. I helped him to sit. I
said, "Personal friends can still disagree on some things. Friend?" He
said, with tears, "Please!" I said, "Done! And without protestation."
He tried to grin. I shifted out. Mom said, "You reamed him out, and
then fixed him up. What will he do?" I said, "He'll think a while, and
then share it with some leaders, hoping they'll tell him to ignore me.
They won't, but won't support me to him, either. Not yet." Galya said,
"Not fun for him." I said, "He should have known that to ask to see me,
can be a two edged sword, to the hilt." Grins.
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