On Thu, 26 Feb 2015 17:08:25 +0100, John-Ross-Junior
<John-Ross-Junior@none.com> wrote:
>On Mon, 23 Feb 2015 18:29:37 -0700, HMS Victor Victorian
><victorvictorian@hushunomail.com> wrote:
>>On Sun, 22 Feb 2015 19:31:27 +0100, "John-Ross-Junior@none.com"
>><John-Ross-Junior@none.com> wrote:
>>>On Sat, 21 Feb 2015 05:25:05 GMT, "jchandler" <jchandler@hush.ai>
>>>>Does anyone know where the tdgr photos come from? There is a very nice
>>>>array of cute boys. However, I wonder where they allow young boys to smoke
>>>>in public like that. I've had run-ins with boys in alleys or even behind
>>>>the school . Any feedback would be appreciated.
>>>I think Mrs (Mr.) Todgers made thousends of photos of kids in London
>>>in Trafalgar Square.
>>>One day he was caught and send to prison. Short later he killed
>>Dear JRJ,
>>Ridiculous. I should think you'd be more cautious of your
>So, please tell us how it is right! Thanks!
>In abpbr were some different stories about his death.
>Certainly the truth is he died.
>Maybe Ronin is right.
I have heard so as to believe it true, the explanation that Ronin
offers ... that "Mrs. Todgers" had died in a motor accident. I have
no confirmation of the story. Considering that this fine photographer
never offered visual fare of any offense whatsoever, aesthetic or
legal, the explanation that he was "caught" and sent to prison, where
he committed suicide, is a complete non-sequitur. These fanciful
tales of the "dreaded end" of Boylovers and the boys they've loved
have repeated through the groups for better than the ten years I've
been active here.
What resides in the dark recesses of our Boylove souls that spawn such
tales? Is it fatalism? Guilt? Paranoia?
God Save the Queen.
God Bless the Prince of Wales.
God Preserve the Windsors.
Rule Britannia!