On Sun, 22 Feb 2015 19:31:27 +0100, "John-Ross-Junior@none.com"
<John-Ross-Junior@none.com> wrote:
>On Sat, 21 Feb 2015 05:25:05 GMT, "jchandler" <jchandler@hush.ai>
>>Does anyone know where the tdgr photos come from? There is a very nice
>>array of cute boys. However, I wonder where they allow young boys to smoke
>>in public like that. I've had run-ins with boys in alleys or even behind
>>the school . Any feedback would be appreciated.
>I think Mrs (Mr.) Todgers made thousends of photos of kids in London
>in Trafalgar Square.
>One day he was caught and send to prison. Short later he killed
Dear JRJ,
Ridiculous. I should think you'd be more cautious of your