People on P2P proggies rename files so they are easier to find in searches.
If you know there is a vid series prefixed with "PJK", then you could find
those easily. But for n00bs they only know to search for "boy, sex, cum,
etc", hence the need for renaming. Rest assured in the knowledge that all
those dumbasses will eventually be arrested. P2P, IRC, et al leave your IP
wide open. Unless you're running several proxies, expect a knock at the door
@ 2AM soon enough...
"Powdermonkey" <> wrote in message
> Hi T I'd be happy to put up CS for my posts but the last time they were
> posted I didnt bother taking them, but I agree they would be handy. The
> things is who are these assholes who are taking the things and re-naming,
> have seen references to some kind of programme but not come across it. I
> also cant see the point in something of say 200 mb being reduced to minis
> about 25mb or so, of which we have had a lot lately. If you have the thing
> post it, dont join a few frames and call it a movie, either post the whole
> thing or forget it. whats the point. PM.
> --
> Polite request gets polite answer. No answer to your ping, then you must
> have got up my nose.