From: <TheWanker@AlwaysFun.Cum>
Subject: To Those Who Responded - Avseq 1-4
Date: 2 May 2004 11:00:23 -0500
Lines: 29
Message-ID: <40951a6a$0$83063$>
X-Newsreader: Newsbin Pro
To those that were offended:
It was not my intention to create such an atmosphere. I was interested in two things, first who
could post it and two how people would react to it. Now the answer is clear. I find it interesting
that at least I ask to see who would be interested in seeing it, most people normaly just post and
then wait for the response.
The way I do things is simple, altough we are all different, there's one thing in common amongst
us, it is that we all love boys. Where we are different is how we view them, feel them and enjoy
them. Some people like touchy feely vids, some like them with action. Other although more rare
but in existence like them to the extreme. I cannot say I fit in one area in particular, I like them all
for diversity reason than to support any of them.
At the end in any groups, the way to do it is to only download what you are interested in and if no
interest is found, just wait for the next one. At least that is the way I do it and so far I have been
very pleased and appreciative of the work of others.
Altough I agree some were offended and that it was not my intention in any way to do that, I wanted
to at least share my thoughts on the subject as I would not want people to have the wrong idea
about me. I am very open minded and do not get offended by much. Perhaps that could be where
the problem arise.
Once more, my apologies to those offended but I still believe it was the right place to ask,