From: TheTerminator <>
Subject: Re: Stupid Americans! -- Stupid... Stupid... STUPID!!! _____________---_ tulsub
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Date: Mon, 08 Nov 2004 01:19:04 GMT
Yea America deserves some shit for this election, but please try to
understand what the other 52 million of us (who didn't vote for
Bush)are feeling. Fear and loathing and a sense of foreboding.
I am a Republican by past votong history but I did not vote for Bush
this time, so I would appreciate it if you would refrain from calling
us morons.
Many of us know this man is dangerous and what makes him even more
dangerous is the rest of the world thinking he is stupid. He is not,
he an extremely clever and focused individual who has successfully
destroyed all of his political opposition on his way to the top. Do
not underestimate this man.
I am much more afraid of him than I am of any Muslim terrorist and so
are 52 million other Americans.
I can promise the rest of the world one thing, we will fight him every
step of the way. You can either help us or get the fuck out of the