Subject: Re: Poor Soul
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Date: Mon, 12 Jul 2004 04:19:09 GMT
>Have to comment on the persistence of the guy who has for months been
>asking for the posting of "previeus" of movies. He might simply be asking for
>these so that he can decide in advance whether to download something, We
>all appreciate such an inclusion of contact sheets with movies. However,
>since he just doesn't give up on the asking, I suspect that there's some
>reason that he can't download and/or watch the movies themselves. Don't
>know why my heart has gone out to him and his pleas, but I do ask, for his
>sake, that "previeus" be included with movies if and when it is possible.
Hi SergeFan:
You are very kind and thoughtful to consider other lurkers in the
group. Your idea to post previews is excellent. Could you show the
group how it is done? :)
ps. SERGE ROCKS!!!!!