Hello Leeky:
There's no reason to be angry in my regard, the world is not a perfect place and trying to please
everybody is a foolish goal.
You mention that I was cross-posting, that is incorrect since only one place it is in and everybody
knew that I was about to do it.
It is interesting that like most people you adopt the victim mentality and instead of finding
excuses, perhaps more time should be put on finding reasons.
One more thing I was to add and that is if you were to read this is that I did not post the vid in
question to start a war with you. Taste varies like vids do and if your taste doesn't agree with
certain kind of vids, reasons being understood, then it doesn't mean that no one else does.
Like I have said, the sole purpose to post vids is to share and explore other avenues, not to start
war or dispute based on taste.
It is my sincere hopes that we can leave it at that, otherwise it is really a shame not to resolve this,
Kindly yours,