From: (:KidHacker NP-b54)
Subject: Re: Ping apoapo
Date: 23 Jul 2005 17:09:01 -0500
Organization: Not in this lifetime
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On 23 Jul 2005 13:31:01 -0500, PM@cannon.bang wrote:
:>what parts of what vid? The last vid Maik and Kinh is all available.
:>PM. NP.f35.
Not necessarily so, Honorable Monkey of Powder.
Foist, Gameboy failed to mention *what* vid. You're assuming it's the
most recent; perhaps it's not. Sekund, all of Maik and Kinh is
available on *your* server. Likewise, it's all available on both of
mine. Is it available on his? He might be using Newsbleeds, or Joe and
Phred's Backyard Saturday Afternoon News Service. Did you look?
In this case, he's using Easynews, and I can verify that all parts of
this particular vid *are* there. Now... for another look at his
:>On Sat, 23 Jul 2005 18:25:56 GMT, Gameboy <> wrote:
:>>I am a nubie at par files. Should I use Quick par for the rest of the
:>>parts? And how do I attach them to the rest of the parts. Thanks.
First, Gameboy, as I mentioned above, you didn't say *which* vid
you're asking about. There've been a *lot* of vids posted in this
group recently, so when you're asking for help, it's absolutely
necessary that you be specific.
Now, noting that you're using Easynews, one of the two most reliable
services these days, I can safely say that all parts for every vid
posted here in the past month or so *are* available, and whatever the
vid, you *should* have them all. However.....
Since you say you're a newbie, this is a brief look at how to use Par
As a part of your download, *always* get the small Par file that ends
with the .par or .par2 extension. Quickpar will handle both. Put that
file in the same folder as all of your parts for the given vid, and
double-click on it. (Assuming that you do have Quickpar installed.)
Quickpar will run, check all of your parts, and tell you *if* you're
missing any parts, or if you have any that are corrupted. If it tells
you that "No repair is needed," then you're perfect, and you just join
the vid, *knowing* it's perfect.
If it shows that you have anything missing or corrupted, you download
the necessary number of *larger* Par files, ending with either .P01,
.P02, etc., or with .vol00+2.PAR2, etc. You put *these* in the same
folder with your parts and run Quickpar again, the same as you did
above. It'll check everything again, and if you have enough Par files
to cover what's missing or corrupted, it'll do the necessary repairing
or replacing, check again, and finally let you know that "No repair is
needed." You then join the vid as above, *knowing* that it's perfect.
The Par files themselves are *not* part of the vid, and you don't in
any way "attach" them to it. They're simply the tools that Quickpar
uses to check it and repair it, *if* there's anything wrong with it.
See ya.
KH NP-b54
"Artificial Intelligence will never be
a match for natural stupidity."
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