On Mon, 30 Aug 2004 13:16:02 -0500, Frank McCoy <mccoyf@millcomm.com>
>>Do you work in Visual Basic?
>Not really.
>If somebody offered me a job with it, then I probably wouldn't have
>any problems adding it to all the other program languages and 27
>varieties of Basic I already know.
It might not be quite that easy. :-) Syntactically, VB is not all
that different that any other basic, however, VB is event driven which
is unlike any other basic that I know of. I always found it to be a
pain to block the user from clicking on buttons that weren't ready to
be clicked on yet.
BTW, if you want to try a 32-bit basic that is not VB, check out the
2nd URL in the sig.
Arargh407 at [drop the 'http://www.' from ->] http://www.arargh.com
BCET Basic Compiler Page: http://www.arargh.com/basic/index.html
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