I'm back on line.
Been doing late-night stuff to get the computers here to work.
Plus, I was designing a new switch-tester late at night, and in the
wee hours of the morning.
Not much time left for much other than downloading the newsgroups and
pulling my email ... And I wasn't always in time to get all of either
one, as my inbox filled up with garbage (mostly worms, spam next, and
general junk email) or the server expired messages before I could
download them.
I've got three books out from the library I'll have to get renewed; as
I'm way behind there too.
Not much sex life either. The wife isn't very interested when I come
to bed at 3:00 to 5:00 AM. Besides, I'd be too tired with only305
hours of sleep.
Thank Goodness that is over now.
All three computers are now working again ... at full speed.
The network is now running.
The kid's high-speed internet service is running.
The test project works, is accepted, and is (mostly) documented).
Maybe I can get some decent sleep tonight.
Heck, maybe I'll even release a story or two from the hopper!
Give me a day or two to get back to normal.
Oh yeah ... I'm working again. Looks like at least a month or so.
Not great pay; but I like the place.
That makes a job a lot better.
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