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$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$P`,$$$$P,d$$$'J$$$P"` +$$$$',$j' J$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
DARKSiDERS `?$$$$$$$P+^`,g$$$$',$$$$j$$',$ $$S#%+,_
'2016 `"$+"` `$Sd$$$$$$$$I $I $$$$$$$$$Sy,
;##$$$$$$$$$,`; $$$$$$$$$$$$$b,
Fuck all lame nukers! Also fuck $$$$$$$$$$$$L` I$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$,
you to all ppl who leak to p2p! ?$$$$$$$$$$$$; $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$,
;$$$$$$$$$$$I I+$"^```^"$+$$$$,
All sites that are involved in p2p I$$$$$$$$$$$ `+$$
or in p2l activities! ;$$$$$$$$$$$; HEADER UPDATED `$
I$$$$$$$$$$$, 25.06.2016 '
All who steal releases, be it www, ;$$$$$$$$$$$$$,
p2p or other _.,++yy##QQQ###yy$$$$$$$$$$$$, h!^DARKSiDERS
grp's! _,yy#S$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$I
,$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$P _,+y#S$SP-$$"^
I$$$$$$$$$,`^----SSS$$$$$$$$$$SSS--$"` $?Q$$$$'
;?$$$$$$$$$$$$$SSSS###yyyyyyyyyyyy###SS$$$$S##y,`? DARKSiDERS
`?$$$$$$$, 0DAY
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^S$$++S$$S,. $$$$$$$ SECTiON
:$$$$`^"$$$$Ss,_ "?$$$
$$$$ "+S$Sb,, _.,ss$$P++"`$$P `"+$$b. ` $$$ _
l$$: `Y$b. $$$$$P$+` l$$' `l$$b. l$$: ,d$$
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$$ l$$: $$$$$$s.^Y$Y$b.$$$:$$$$$$l:$$$ d l$$$$S+$"^`^$$$b. $$$$P` sS$$$$$$
s. :$$l $$$$$$$S d$$PSl$$: S+$+S$ l$$: $ :$$l' d$$$$.$$$$$ l$P$S#s,_ """S$
$$s $$$ $$$$$".,d$$'..`Y$$l,s#S#s,l$$: $s $$$ d$+$+'l$$lT$ l$$:``^+$$S#s,_
Y$bl$$:_".,s$$S+`ss$S ,$Y$$"^`^"$Y$$$, S l$$: $$"^.$$$;` :$$l, ss.`"+$$$
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$$$ `$$$"`ssS$$$$$$ :$$P "S $$$$$ l$$l$$. $$$ $sssS$$$$$$$ l$P' $ ,,_"S$$
$$$$. $ $$$$$$$$$$$ l$$;.`^ $$$$' $' ;$$l d$$P: S$$$$$$$$$$ :' sS$s l$b."S
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$$$$$$s$$$$$$$$$$$$Ss`Y$b,. $$$$ .$$'.. .g###s, "$$$$$$.`$%s, ._ :$$l ^$
$$$$$$$$$$$$$!zN$$$$$Ss'"-$$s.""SssS$$S dP^```^+$b $$$$$ :$$l S$$$$$: Ss
| - DARKSiDERS - `$$$b, `+-+^ .dP :$$l :$$l$+S"|
| OUR SECTiONS: | `S$$b .d$P/``^-$$b:$$l $$$$$b,. |
| | ,$$' $$$$ $$$l `\$$$$ ^""$$$|
| | `Y$b, ,sS$P$$$$P/ |
` AND MAYBE MORE TO COME| ~`Y+$^`:$$`- |
| Remember| Our releaes are meant for scene only, so sry torrent etc |
| This!!!!| users. Also we dont never steal p2p or web stuff like some! |\.
`-======================================================================-' \
: |
| Spoolside.v1.1-DARKSiDERS |
. :
. _______ ___ _. ___ _______ ___ ___ |
._/ _ /_/ _/___./ |___._/ _/___./ _ \ _/ _/____/ _/___ |
| _/ _/ _\ (. | (|_ _\ (| _/ \.\___ _\ (. |
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-:- - \____/ - ____) /___ .__|_____ ______ _ _ )__.__| ___ |
_/.__ // _/___| _// _ \ ._( _/_./ |___ _/ _/____ :
r e l e a s e | | / / _\ (| | _/ \| (| | (.\___ (_ .
d e t a i l s | | _. \_ | | | | | | | / / |
. |_____\|_________|______|____|_____|______|__ |________/ .
_| )___| |
\. Product:....................................................: Spoolside :
| Developer:...............................................: HumbleBundle |
| Publisher:...............................................: HumbleBundle :
| Genre:............................................: Experimental, Indie |
| Protection:.....................................................: MONEY |
: Number of Players:.......................................: Singleplayer :
| Release Date:..............................................: 03.09.2016 |
| Original Date:.............................................: 03.09.2016 |
: Packet Count:..................................................: 13x5MB .
| Supplier:..............................................: someonesomewhr |
| Packer...................................................: dadwithwings :
| |
| |
. _______ ___ _ ___ _______ ___ ___ |
._/ _ /_/ _/___./ |___._/ _/___./ _ \ _/ _/____/ _/___ :
| _/ _/ _\ (. | (| _\ (| _/ \.\____ _\ (. |
| \ \ \_ | | | \_ | | | / . \_ | .
|___\ \________|__ |________| |_____|________| | |
:----\____/----------)___|-____-- | | _____________|_______|----- --- - --:
|_ _( /_.) _\ | |/ ____/ _ \. .
./ r e l e a s e .) | |\\ | | _/ | / | |
| i n f o | . | \\| _| | | / | :
: |_____|___| \____\|___| |_________| |
| |
| *** CHECK OUR NEW C64 tHe BeSt iNTRO eVeR! ON LAST DISK! *** |
| RiPPED: Nothing! :
: ---------------- |
| |
| Synopsis of the game: time furls and unfurls endlessly. get lost. |
| a small experiment by the gloam collective. |
| |
| (rly hard to find nfo on this one, Humble Bundle Original... ) |
| ------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
| Humble Originals are exclusive games developed specifically for |
| Humble Monthly subscribers. These are game ideas that are a little risky, |
| a little experimental, and a lot of fun! We allow developers to explore |
| their favorite ideas and turn them into Humble Originals so that you can |
| indulge yourself in a unique Humble treat! |
| |
| |
: https://www.humblebundle.com/monthly/p/september_2016_monthly :
| _ _ .___ ___ __________ ______ __ __ |
| _( _/____ | (. _/ _/____\_ _// _ \ ./ |____ ./ |____ .
|_ .) _\ | |_\___ (_/ | _/ \| | (.| | (. |
./ | |\\| | . / / | | | | | | | :
| | | \ | |/ _/ | | |_ | |_ | | |
| |________| \___|________\_________|____|_____| )_____| )______| :
: ___ | (. ______ | __/ _/___ _/ _/____ |
i n s t a l l .) _\ | |/ _ \| | _\ (.\___ (_ |
. n o t e s | |\\| | / | | \_ | . / / |
| | | \ | / | | | |/ _/ :
|_ |__| \___|________|_______|_______|_______\ |
_/ |
| 1. Unpack :
| 2. Install .
: 3. While installing, roll a joint! |
| 4. And Remember to unallow .exe internet access from ur firewall, ty! .
| 5. Play! |
| 6. Smoke another spliff and play more! :
: |
| ___ ____ _____ __ ____ __ ______ :
. / /\ \./ _ \| |\\| |___ | (./ _ \. |
| / /\ _/ | | \ _\ | | _/ | |
: _/ / \____. | .__| \___. |\\| | | | .
|_ \____/ |___| | | | \ |___| | |
./ |_____| ____. __|___| \___| __| _._ | :
| w a n n a _____| |/ _ \__( _/_.) _\ | | |
| j o i n ? \ | | / | | |\\| | :
| \_ | | / | . | \ | |
:- -- - /______|________|______|__| \___| .
| :
: DARKSiDERS was founded because there was an immense lack of japanese PC |
. games(commercial or doujin) released.. Also the lack of some GOOD game :
| OST's and underground music in general in the scene. |
| |
| We specialize in Japanese stuff, be it GAMES(yes ofc we count visual |
| novels) or H-GAMES. Retail unreleased ANiME or even HENTAi. Music too, :
| mostly Japanese but also other ug/unknown, un PRE'd stuff. |
| |
: Were not JapRLS group strictly, no way... :
| But heres certain place to fill in teH SCeNe... -GROUP .
:- -- - -- -- -- - -- -- -- - -- -- -- - -- -- -- - -- -- -- - -- -- -- - -- |
| .
| We are currently in need of: Steam Crackers, Also we'd like to get some :
: Affil sites that like JAP stuff!!!! Also normal affils as a game grp, and |
| /or for our MUSiC section!!!! |
: .
| CRACKERS trainers etc. Especially a STEAM cracker, we have good supply!!! |
| CODERS to code us custom installers,intros,musicdisks etc. :
| |
| Allso lookin for other JAP suppliers.. Some couriers who love JAP. :
| More rare ViNYL/CD suppliers/encoders.. XXX, HENTAi etc supply is also |
| nice, also OST's etc... .
: |
:- -- - -- -- -- - -- -- -- - -- -- -- - -- -- -- - -- -- -- - -- -- -- - -- |
| ALSO iF U SEE h! ON iRC |
| E-MAiL: DSiNSiDE@protonmail.com SOMEWHERE U CAN PM HiM TOO!! :
| \.
: iRC: PRiVATE UPDATED: 01.09.2016 :
\ ______________. ______________._________________. ____________________ |
\._) |_/ | |_/ (_.
| ___ __________ ___ | ___ ____________ ___ |
| _/ _/______/ _ /// _/ _____// _/ ______\_ _// _/______ |
| | \__ / _/ _\._/ _\._/ | |\______ \_ |
| | . / \ \ \ | \ | | | . / | |
| |_ |/ \ \ \| ._ \| | ._ |/ _| |
| :/_____________\ \_________| \_____________|________|/__________\ |
| \______/ `don/sac |
:--[ g r e e t i n g s ]-----------------------------------------:
| |
| We dont have lotsa friends yet, but greetings to our new friends at: |
| |
: ** VACE - RAiN - PiKMiN - wAx - WalMarT - FaiLED ** :
| |
| Also greetings to all the ART & OLDSKOOL GROUPS out there! |
| And those for remember this is just for fun and friendly competition... |
| All groups who release JAPANESE stuff!! :
| |
| Personal greetz to: juanete from megasoft !! |
| |
:- -- --- - --* We love visual novels/dating-sims & shoot em up's btw <3 |
| |
| NFO: H of DS + a bit of the ASCii ART :
| ASCii: b5 & `don of SAC |
: :