Thanks campy will try one of the other programs.. old lady here still
running xp (financial reasons) never ran into this extract problem
before.. Thx Fluffy
On Mon, 30 Apr 2018 16:48:02 GMT, "Campy Flicks" <findme@thepub.belch>
On 30-Apr-2018, **PCZ** <**PCZ**> wrote:
> I have to ask
> Why are you manually extracting ?
> Both NBPro and Newsleecher auto extracted Martys posts.
> I would assune all modern clients would do the sam
I've been using NewsRover for years and for some reason it
won't combine Marty's latest posts..It tells me a file is corrupt
and when doing a repair it tells me all is fine and a repair is not
necessary.. It's never happened on any other post so I'm not
sure what the deal is.