In article <XnsA6ABC87C75DF6greakltilnnsdaioop@>, says...
The Miss Wrong reference was a joke for the benefit of Mr. Tromp; it is
indeed something produced by programs that make use of CSVs.
Now, with respect to groups which are not carried by large NSPs, there
are a great many options. Checking them is time consuming, but will
produce results. Relying on a single NSP is simply not viable in 2016,
particularly if that NSP belongs to Highwinds.
We have tried to use groups that are widely available on many NSPs. I
think you will find the one we are using right now is such a group. We
have many accounts and it is available on all of them. We were surprised
to hear from people saying they can't access the group.
Notwithstanding the above, we will complete the current post and move
once again. Moving is not a big deal for us.