HughGRection <hgr@phuknosew.ayr> wrote:
>Hello there,
>I do believe I have already explained that
>I have no need whatsoever to manufacture
>requests and then post them. The reason is that
>I have enough material to post for the next ten
>years. When I post, I post, when I don't I don't,
>it's as simple as that. I do believe also that
>mannycrasto (who requested Leann) is a well known
>and established lurker here.
>The rar system has been around for the best part
>of twenty years - there is nothing new about it
>and it is certainly not a "professional" system
>in any way, shape or form. It is simply another
>hurdle for lurkers to jump. You would be surprised
>how many would still raise queries about rar files,
>just as many still do about yEnc. Unbelievable, I
>know, but true. So simplicity rules, I'm afraid.
>Finally, it comes as no surprise that the inevitable
>influx of trolls here should be led from Giganews.
Thank you for posting more of Leann. I have requested her for months! If at all
possible, please do start from the beginning.
And speaking for myself, RAR files are just fine. Either way.
Thanks again!