On 16 Jul 2010 23:50:08 GMT, Peter Olsen <f@lask.com> wrote:
>billy wrote in news:8an1469eqquvocsqli53blih1ighjh5756@4ax.com:
>I can see you are a Newshosting costumer.
>I am a former costumer there and you have just discovered the reason why
>i cancelled my membership there and went to Astraweb years ago.
>Back then there was always problems with completeness and their costumer
>service sucked big time.
>You can really only help your self and thats by cancelling your membership
>at Newshosting for a better news connection like Astraweb, they are also a
>lot cheaper than your current news connection.
I can't talk to Newshosting, but I can tell you that ALL of the files
are incomplete on UNS as well.