PRESENTS Groove3 Waves Tune Real-Time Explained TUTORiAL-MUSE
RLS Nr. 286
RLS NAME g3wavestuneretimexp-muse.rar
RLS SiZE 10 x 25 MB
RLS DATE 29 March 2017
RLS TYPE Education
REF URI https://www.groove3.com
Scottie Dugan shows you all about Wave's wonderful Waves Tune
Real-Time plug-in and goes step by step on how to tune your
vocals for that modern polished sound!
Scottie begins by going over the user interface and discusses
why you'll need to make some specific decisions before tuning
your vocals or instruments, and then reveals the main parameters
Speed and Note Transition, which allow you to begin to dial in
your tuning amount and style.
Fine tuning is next, and Scottie shows you how to adjust Waves
Tune Real-Time to remove or add tuning artifacts. After that,
it's time to see it work in-action. Scottie tunes up some vocals
as well as covers some tips for working with inconsistent
vocalists, making sure you're able to handle any tuning needs.
See the individual tutorial descriptions below for more info. If
you're new to Waves Tune Real-Time, or just want some more
detailed info, check out "Waves Tune Real-Time Explained" today!
2017 MUSE