~~~ ~~~
~~~ ~~~
~~~ CineSamples.CineStrings.Runs.KONTAKT-SOUNDWAVE ~~~
~~~ ~~~
~~~ Date: Feb 2016 ~~~
~~~ Format: KONTAKT (nkx nkc) ~~~
~~~ Homepage: ~~~
~~~ ~~~
~~~ ~ RELEASE NOTES ~ ~~~
~~~ CineStrings RUNS is the most composer-friendly strings scales, ~~~
~~~ runs and rips library in the world. Recorded at the world famous ~~~
~~~ MGM Scoring Stage at Sony Pictures studios in Los Angeles, CA, ~~~
~~~ CineStrings RUNS compliments both our CineStrings CORE library ~~~
~~~ and our popular Hollywoodwinds library. Nothing can make for a ~~~
~~~ more authentic string section sound than the actual recordings ~~~
~~~ of strings runs in a great room. Combined with our advanced ~~~
~~~ script and easy-to-use interface, this is a remarkably ~~~
~~~ convincing library for anyone who needs to add a more realistic ~~~
~~~ flair to their mockups. ~~~
~~~ ~~~
~~~ ~~~
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~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ More than Meets the Eye ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~