size: 290 MB, Parts: [1138/569]
18 sound files
Niger-Hisham Mayet- Folk Music of the Sahel-Niger--------1. Al Fulani (Hausa).mp3
Niger-Hisham Mayet- Folk Music of the Sahel-Niger--------10. Tuareg Chant (Tuareg).mp3
Niger-Hisham Mayet- Folk Music of the Sahel-Niger--------11. Wodaabe Chant (Fulani).mp3
Niger-Hisham Mayet- Folk Music of the Sahel-Niger--------12. Young Girl Night Village Dance (Hausa).mp3
Niger-Hisham Mayet- Folk Music of the Sahel-Niger--------13. Music for a Hauka Ceremony (Hausa_Zarma).mp3
Niger-Hisham Mayet- Folk Music of the Sahel-Niger--------14. Wodaabe Chant (Fulani) (2).mp3
Niger-Hisham Mayet- Folk Music of the Sahel-Niger--------15. The Craftsman (Hausa).mp3
Niger-Hisham Mayet- Folk Music of the Sahel-Niger--------16. Zigda (Also Known As _Goumbe_) (Zarma_Songhai).mp3
Niger-Hisham Mayet- Folk Music of the Sahel-Niger--------17. Komsa Griot (Hausa).mp3
Niger-Hisham Mayet- Folk Music of the Sahel-Niger--------18. Yarra (Hausa).mp3
Niger-Hisham Mayet- Folk Music of the Sahel-Niger--------2. Bori Possession Music (Hausa).mp3
Niger-Hisham Mayet- Folk Music of the Sahel-Niger--------3. The Orchestra of the Sultan of Zinder (Hausa).mp3
Niger-Hisham Mayet- Folk Music of the Sahel-Niger--------4. Hauka Praise Song (Zarma).mp3
Niger-Hisham Mayet- Folk Music of the Sahel-Niger--------5. Music from the Village of Boubon (Songhai).mp3
Niger-Hisham Mayet- Folk Music of the Sahel-Niger--------6. Gourmi Praise Song for the Sarki (Hausa).mp3
Niger-Hisham Mayet- Folk Music of the Sahel-Niger--------7. Komsa Praise Songs (Hausa).mp3
Niger-Hisham Mayet- Folk Music of the Sahel-Niger--------8. Denke Denke (Fulani).mp3
Niger-Hisham Mayet- Folk Music of the Sahel-Niger--------9. Bismillhia (Tuareg_Zarma).mp3
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