size: 158 MB, Parts: [328/164]
1 par2 files
4 rar files
1 nzb files
17 sound files
Gypsies Serbia NMR @160 NMR 00of18 "Basalen Romalen-Svirajte Cigan Play Gypsies-.nzb" 22K
Gypsies Serbia NMR @160 NMR 01of22 "Basalen Romalen-Svirajte Cigan Play Gypsies-00.par2" 8K
Gypsies Serbia NMR @160 NMR 02of22 "Basalen Romalen-Svirajte Cigan Play Gypsies-01-Vladimir Kandic and ensemble Kandoro~Aven Romalen, Aven Romalen, aven cavalen (come gypsies, come brothers).mp3" 5306K
Gypsies Serbia NMR @160 NMR 03of22 "Basalen Romalen-Svirajte Cigan Play Gypsies-02-Vladimir Kandic and ensemble Kandoro~Devla, Devla, baxtaleja (God, oh happy God).mp3" 5053K
Gypsies Serbia NMR @160 NMR 04of22 "Basalen Romalen-Svirajte Cigan Play Gypsies-03-Aleksander Sisic~Chelipe (Kolo) (dance).mp3" 3570K
Gypsies Serbia NMR @160 NMR 05of22 "Basalen Romalen-Svirajte Cigan Play Gypsies-04-Duric-Runjajic with the Dusan Radetic orchestra~Kerda, Mile, bari skoda (mile has caused great damage).mp3" 3664K
Gypsies Serbia NMR @160 NMR 06of22 "Basalen Romalen-Svirajte Cigan Play Gypsies-05-Solo violin by Andra Nikolic~Basalipe (musical improvisation).mp3" 2678K
Gypsies Serbia NMR @160 NMR 08of22 "Basalen Romalen-Svirajte Cigan Play Gypsies-07-String orchestra of the village of Lukavica - Lazarevac~Chelipe (Kolo) (dance).mp3" 2303K
Gypsies Serbia NMR @160 NMR 09of22 "Basalen Romalen-Svirajte Cigan Play Gypsies-08-Janika Balaz's orchestra, Novi Sad~Akaven e Verka, kaluderka (they call her Verka the nun).mp3" 2648K
Gypsies Serbia NMR @160 NMR 10of22 "Basalen Romalen-Svirajte Cigan Play Gypsies-09-Janika Balaz's orchestra, Novi Sad~Phirav mange korkoro (I wander round the world like an orphan).mp3" 2806K
Gypsies Serbia NMR @160 NMR 11of22 "Basalen Romalen-Svirajte Cigan Play Gypsies-10-Olivera Katarina and the Romalen orchestra~Usti, suti, babo, o davulja maren (get up father, get up, drums are sounding).mp3" 6360K
Gypsies Serbia NMR @160 NMR 12of22 "Basalen Romalen-Svirajte Cigan Play Gypsies-11-Olivera Katarina and the Romalen orchestra~Delem, delem lungone dromeja (I'm going along a long road).mp3" 5839K
Gypsies Serbia NMR @160 NMR 13of22 "Basalen Romalen-Svirajte Cigan Play Gypsies-12-Dragoljub Dordevic 'Piromanac' and M. Matijsavic's orchestra~Jek de thari e Roma basalen (the Gypsies are playing tonight).mp3" 5155K
Gypsies Serbia NMR @160 NMR 14of22 "Basalen Romalen-Svirajte Cigan Play Gypsies-13-Aleksander Sisic, violin and orchestra~Chelipe (Kolo) (dance).mp3" 4137K
Gypsies Serbia NMR @160 NMR 15of22 "Basalen Romalen-Svirajte Cigan Play Gypsies-14-Usnija Redzepova and Bakija Bakic's brass band from Vranje~Sunen Romalen, sunen cavalen (listen to me Gypsies).mp3" 3858K
Gypsies Serbia NMR @160 NMR 16of22 "Basalen Romalen-Svirajte Cigan Play Gypsies-15-Bakija Bakic's brass band from Vranje~Cocek (woman's dance).mp3" 3818K
Gypsies Serbia NMR @160 NMR 17of22 "Basalen Romalen-Svirajte Cigan Play Gypsies-16-Saban Bajramovic with D. Knezevic's orchestra~Ajde Manca, an khangiri (come to the temple with me).mp3" 1871K
Gypsies Serbia NMR @160 NMR 18of22 "Basalen Romalen-Svirajte Cigan Play Gypsies-17-Steva Teodosijevski's orchestra~Cocek (woman's dance).mp3" 3643K
Gypsies Serbia NMR @160 NMR 19of22 "Basalen Romalen-Svirajte Cigan Play Gypsies-00.vol00+01.par2" 508K
Gypsies Serbia NMR @160 NMR 20of22 "Basalen Romalen-Svirajte Cigan Play Gypsies-00.vol01+02.par2" 1009K
Gypsies Serbia NMR @160 NMR 21of22 "Basalen Romalen-Svirajte Cigan Play Gypsies-00.vol03+04.par2" 2009K
Gypsies Serbia NMR @160 NMR 22of22 "Basalen Romalen-Svirajte Cigan Play Gypsies-00.vol07+07.par2" 3509K
<< Basalen_Romalen-Svirajte_Cigan_Play_Gypsies-.nzb.nzb >>