I have a Pi Model B 2 and have thought about setting this up. What do
you use to trim the files once received, since there's probably a
second or two either side of exact timing that needs to be removed. Do
you transfer them to another computer to do it, or do you have a Linux
tool that's good for this?
On Sun, 27 Mar 2016 18:35:48 -0500, x <x@x.x> wrote:
>Just thought I'd post this in case anyone was interested....
>I'm using a Raspberry Pi Zero, a $5 computer roughly the size of a stick of
>Juicy Fruit gum, to capture the weekly broadcasts of Star's End and
>Galactic Travels.
>I installed a package called Streamripper. Then I set up some Cron jobs to
>schedule Streamripper to run at the correct times.
>The great thing about recording the show this way is that it does *not*
>transcode the stream. It captures the mp3 stream exactly as broadcast
>Also, the Pi Zero draws so little current and is so stable it can be left
>on 24/7. I finally got my Pi Zero in early January (they sold out quickly
>and were hard to find for a long time) and it has been running and
>recording perfectly since then.
>I can give more details if anyone else wants to do this.