janhaltn@newsguy.com wrote in
> On Mon, 28 Mar 2016 07:04:02 -0500, x <x@x.x> wrote:
> THANKS --- I am on a fixed income, so it will be 4-1-2016 before I
> will own (give a few days Prime shipping) a Pi3 with extras from
> Amazon dot com. You can post here or email me at: janhaltn@gmail.com
> what I need to do to set up a timed/scheduled recording using it. I
> have been using "Sound trap" by NCH to record sound programs off the
> Internet but have never had a way to schedule one. There is a local
> iHeart Radio gradening program on WREC 600 that comes on at 6AM on
> Saturday mornings that I would love to record and listen at a better
> time for us 'senior' citizens = so any help would be great. I plan on
> getting this -
> http://www.amazon.com/CanaKit-Raspberry-Complete-Starter-Kit/dp/B01C6Q2
> GSY/ref=sr_1_11?s=pc&ie=UTF8&qid=1459193240&sr=1-11&keywords=raspberry+
> pi+zero
> and if I am going to create a 'cron', I am also going to add on a
> keyboard. Is this correct? -- Hal
That kit should be fine. I've heard the manual is pretty good.
After you get it up and running, you can install Streamripper by doing this (do this as user pi):
$ sudo apt-get install streamripper
Then create a small script to run the Star's End capture:
streamripper http://wxpnhi.streamguys.com/listen.pls -d ./ -A -a -u FreeAmp/2.x -l 22200
This will record for 6 hours and 10 minutes. (6 hours because Star's End is 6 hours long once a year,
plus 5 minutes on either side just for safety). (the streamripper command should all be on one line,
just in case this message is word wrapped).
Also make runme.sh executable:
$ chmod +x runme.sh
To schedule the recording, create a crontab entry that looks like this:
55 23 * * sat /home/pi/runme.sh
This is every Saturday at 5 minutes to midnight. I live in the US central time zone, so you'll need to change the schedule according to your time zone.
That's pretty much it.
I know it's possible to run streamripper directly from cron, but I like to keep those entries simple and then change the script if I need to.